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Practice Proper Mulching for Tree Care in Newark, DE

By Stein Tree
Posted on June 18, 2019

We understand the love Newark residents have for their trees and landscaping. Mulching is an important part of tree care, and proper practices should be employed for the absolute best results and healthiest trees. Here are some helpful tips for practicing proper mulching for tree care in Newark, DE.

Why Mulching is Important for Tree Care in Newark, Delaware

Mulching your trees aids plant health and proper tree care in Newark, DE. With proper application, mulching can provide a multitude of benefits for your trees. These benefits span far beyond the aesthetics of your landscaping and include:

     • Weed and grass control
     • Moisture retention in surrounding soil for hydration
     • Protection of roots and trunk from lawn maintenance tools and machinery

Mulching provides insulation to the soil surrounding your tree, offering protection from erratic or excessive temperature changes. Keeping the soil cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter will help protect the root system of your tree (especially if the tree is newly planted) and helps to retain water to keep the roots hydrated.

Proper mulching techniques will help prevent weed growth around the base of your tree, which will help reduce competition for nutrients between the roots and sprouting weeds.  In addition, proper techniques can help reduce damages from lawn mowers and other machinery while preventing soil compaction around the base, which can suffocate roots and impact growth.

Proper Mulching Techniques for Your Delaware Trees

Unfortunately, improper mulching techniques can cause more harm than help for your Delaware trees. Be sure you know the proper techniques to avoid these and other negative effects on your trees and landscaping.

     • Rotted root system
     • Dead bark tissue
     • Insect infestation
     • Soil pH imbalance

Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind when you are ready to mulch your Newark, DE trees for best results.
     • Remove Surrounding Grass – For proper application, grass removal should cover a 3-10 foot area around the base of the tree, depending on the size of the tree.
     • Use Organic Mulch – Organic mulch is the best choice when mulching your trees because as decomposition occurs, nutrients are added and the structure of the soil itself can become more conducive to optimal tree health. You can use leaf compost, shredded bark, or composted wood chips.
     • Stick to the 3-3-3 Rule – This rule is the best way to remember proper tree care techniques when mulching your trees. Start by creating a ring of mulch around the tree—3 inches deep, in a 3-foot radius around the trunk, while leaving a 3-inch space around the trunk of the tree. Though some may argue that thicker layers of mulch are better, they can also cause water to be trapped, which can lead to rotting of the roots.
     • Avoid Poor Application Techniques -Use proper techniques when adding mulch to your trees. Never pile your mulch directly against the trunk of your tree because a pest-friendly environment can be created or girdling of the tree can occur. When applying mulch, think doughnut-shaped as opposed to the shape of a volcano.

Call Stein Tree Service for Tree Care in Newark, DE

Stein Tree Service’s staff of highly-trained and certified tree care experts are excited to share our passion for trees and plant health. If you have questions about the proper mulching practices for your tree care in Newark, DE, be sure to contact us today! We would be happy to answer all your tree care questions and even schedule a FREE consultation for your landscaping needs.




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