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Is It Unsafe To Have Large Trees Near My House?

By Stein Tree
Posted on September 22, 2020

When looking for a new home with mature trees in the yard, many homeowners ask themselves, “Is it unsafe to have large trees near my house?” This question is understandable, as people want the benefits of large trees without worrying if their house will be safe. The answer varies from house to house and depends on many factors, such as the distance between the house and trees, tree health and condition, and external forces like storms. Here is a breakdown of whether large trees near your home are safe or unsafe.

3 Factors to Consider if You Have Large Trees Near Your House

Since many homes in Delaware and Pennsylvania do have large trees nearby, clients ask the question all the time. If I have large trees near my house, do I need to have them removed?” Below are 3 factors we consider when making the determination.

1. Tree Height and Distance From Structures

Emergency Tree Removal Service Wilmington DE- Storm Aid

Determining how safe having large trees near your house is requires knowing critical information about the tree. First, how much distance is between the house and the tree? If a large tree is closer than 15 feet to your home, the tree may be too close. Some larger species of trees need additional space, but at least 15 feet away applies to most species of trees. Branches that are touching or scraping the house is also a sign the tree is too close.

2. Tree Health

Tree health is also an important factor that affects how safe your property is. Healthy trees with secure, developed root systems are safer than dead or damaged trees. If a tree is dead, being knocked over during strong winds or storms is more likely, which can damage a home or even cause personal injury. In a scenario where a large dead tree is close to a house, the best course of action should be to remove the tree. Having regular inspections if you have large trees near your home is smart, because you may be unable to tell just looking at the tree if a problem exists. Issues like pests or disease might be difficult to spot on the surface if they are new, but an arborist knows how to tell if trouble is ahead.

We Offer 24/7 Emergency Tree Services

3. Storm Damage

Our communities have faced particularly strong storms this past summer, and we have responded to a lot of emergency tree care requests this summer due to the storm damage. Storms damage trees by breaking small and large branches, splitting the trunk, removing the bark, and more. So even if a tree is healthy and still upright after storms, damage can weaken the tree. After a storm, you may wish to call an arborist, to inspect since the storm damage may have made the tree more dangerous. An even better idea is to be proactive and get inspections done as well as regular trimming and pruning of tall trees. Thinning of branches can allow better air flow so strong storms may be less likely to pull down branches or trees.

Contact Stein for Tree Care Services

If you have ever asked yourself, “Are the large trees near my house safe?” and want to ensure that you and your home will be safe, contact Stein Tree Service. Stein’s ISA certified arborists and plant care professionals provide plant and tree care services, emergency tree removal services, and more. Our team has served many residential and business communities in Delaware and Philadelphia for over 35 years. We have state-of-the-art equipment that is ready for emergency dispatch if needed. For a free consultation or more information on our services, contact us today.




Serving DE, PA and MD


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