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Stein Answers Summer Tree Care Questions

By Stein Tree
Posted on June 17, 2020

Now that summer is here, many of our clients may reach out to us with summer tree care questions. People tend to spend more time in their yards during summer, and this year probably more than usual. Stein Tree Service is here to help with your tree care needs and questions. Below are some common summer tree care questions and answers to help keep your trees healthy this summer.

What Is Deep Root Watering Of A Tree?

Deep root watering is the process of watering the deep roots of a tree instead of just watering the surface. Most people water the ground surface near their trees, but this water quickly evaporates before reaching the roots. Shallow watering can lead to shallow, unhealthy root systems, which makes a tree more prone to falling over during storms and winds. Deep root watering alleviates this issue by carrying water roughly one foot into the roots, promoting healthier and deeper growth.

Why Are My Leaves Turning Yellow in Summer?

Several problems may cause yellowing of leaves. One reason is that the tree or soil is lacking the proper nutrients, such as iron, to produce chlorophyll. Yellow leaves could also be a reaction to the sudden heat and dryness of summer, especially after a rainy and productive spring. Other, more serious reasons, are pests or diseases. Aphids are pests that can cause a yellowing of tree leaves. If your tree leaves are turning yellow, the best way to figure out the cause is by contacting a professional, certified arborist to inspect your trees.

How Does Trimming And Pruning Help Protect Trees During Summer Storms?

Up-close shot of a hedge trimmer and shrub | Summer Tree Care Questions | Stein Tree Service

Trimming and pruning protect trees during summer storms by removing any dead or weak branches from trees. The removal of these branches makes the tree less prone to falling over during storms. Trimming branches to thin them out improves air flow. Reducing the tree’s resistance to wind reduces the chance that the entire tree could fall during a storm, thus making the area and any property around the tree safer during storms.

Why Is My Ash Canopy Looking Thin?

Like the yellowing of leaves, ash canopy thinning can be the result of multiple causes. One likely reason, which is a significant concern for our area, is emerald ash borer infestation. Ash tree canopy thinning, along with unusual woodpecker activity and yellowing of leaves, is typically a sign of ash borer infestation. If your ash tree’s canopy and upper leaves are thinning, the best course of action is to call a tree care specialist who can properly inspect and treat emerald ash borer.

How Does Mulch Help My Trees?

Up-close shot of mulch | Summer Tree Care Questions | Stein Tree Service

Mulch helps your trees by generally promoting and cultivating tree health. Mulch helps reduce water evaporation and insulates roots from extreme temperatures, retaining moisture and maintaining a consistent temperature. By restricting the amount of light that weed seeds receive, mulch also helps reduce the amount of weeds around trees. Fewer weeds means less competition for nutrients, and the area looks nicer too! In addition, as mulch decomposes, tree roots are provided with nutrients and organic matter through the soil.

Contact Stein Tree Service for Summer Tree Care

If you have other summer tree care questions, call Stein Tree Service for the answers. Our experienced, certified arborists have provided residential tree service to many communities in Pennsylvania and Delaware for decades. We have state-of-the-art equipment, and our staff is ready for immediate response. Contact Stein Tree Service for a free consultation.




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