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Tag: tree care

How Does a Professional Tree Care Service Company Offer a Competitive Advantage?

Competitive Advantage means that which makes a product or service valuable to a customer. Everyone wants to feel that they are getting the right value for their hard-earned money. We love our customers and we are passionate about providing exceptional tree care. As the oldest independently owned professional tree care service company in Delaware, we want our customers to feel good about our services, and confident that they have received the best tree care possible. We are pleased that many of our customers have used our services for years, or have been referred by existing customers. 

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Stein Discusses Holiday Tree Care at a Whole New Level: Live Trees!

live decorated christmas tree outdoors - Stein Tree Service

If you are looking for a new holiday tradition that is great for the environment, how about using a live tree instead of a fresh cut tree? Stein Professional Tree Care Service Company advocates trying a live tree in your home this holiday. The live tree care is a little different from what you would provide a cut tree, but at the end of the season, you will have a brand addition to your landscape.

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Tree Care: Heavy Summer Rains Could Put Trees At Risk

Our area has had a very wet summer season. The precipitation is great for our lawns and our thirsty landscapes are thriving. And though trees need water too, too much water can cause damage or create conditions where they are at risk of uprooting. Having a tree care evaluation could be a proactive measure that saves your tree—or your property!

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Stein Tree, Tree Care Service Company Discusses the Pennsylvania State Tree

Local, tree enthusiasts may already be familiar with the Pennsylvania State Tree, the Eastern Hemlock. For residents who are unaware, the tree care service specialists at Stein give details about this slow growing evergreen. Stein Tree Service provides services to many areas in Pennsylvania, in addition to Delaware and Maryland. Our certified arborists are passionate about trees and enjoy informing residents about the native trees in our area.

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Can Tree Care Save the Area’s Embattled Leyland Cypress?

Leyland Cypress trees make a fantastic addition to any northeasterner’s home. These beautiful evergreens are fast and hardy growers that quickly mature into tall and wide trees that add a pleasing touch to just about any yard or landscape. Many Delaware residents will use them either as accent trees to break up the landscape or plant them in a row to create a type of living privacy wall or barrier. In short, there are a lot of ways to incorporate Leyland Cypress trees into your landscaping layout and, in general, they are guaranteed to thrive in most climate conditions with proper tree care — except when their local area experiences sudden and extreme temperature fluctuations such as we had this past winter.

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Tree Care Provider Stein Tree Advises Care During Tick Season

Delaware is simply stunning in the summer and autumn months. This state and its neighbors enjoy warm temperatures that beckon residents and visitors to go outside and explore the many beautiful natural recreational areas we have here. However, the outdoors has its inherent risks and as tree care professionals, we recognize that one of those risks is tick bites.

Ticks are dangerous creatures that are more than just nuisances. Due to their parasitic nature, ticks are known for carrying and transmitting several serious diseases that can leave a person with long-term ailments and, in some cases, can be fatal.

According to the CDC, the worst of these diseases and the ones that Delaware residents are susceptible to include:

Lyme disease. Left untreated, Lyme disease frequently causes an array of flu-like symptoms, including fever, fatigue, chills, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and joint aches. Generally, a quick round of antibiotics will clear up these symptoms but for some people, those symptoms can persist for months and, in a few rare cases, even years.

Alpha-gal allergy (aka red meat allergy).  This frustrating disease originated from the Lone Star tick, a tick that once remained primarily in the Great Plains region but has steadily made its way as far north and east as Delaware. When a person is bitten by this tick, they may have a sugar called the alpha-gal transferred into their immune system. This alpha-gal sugar causes the person to suffer food allergy symptoms when consuming red meat. The recovery period can be anywhere from 8 months to 5 years.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  Also most commonly carried by the Lone Star tick, this disease causes aggressive fever-like symptoms that can be life-threatening if not quickly and properly treated.

Keep Your Family Safe From Ticks & Their Diseases

Ticks are relatively small and can be easy to miss, especially as they will commonly latch onto creases like underneath armpits, at the crease beneath your waistband, and in the fold behind your knee. They are also especially good at finding hidden places on your dogs, cats, and other furry friends. Because most of these diseases occur when ticks have stayed latched onto a person for at least 24 hours, prevention and quick removal are the two primary methods of protecting yourself and your family from disease.

Use DEET-labelled insect repellant on both clothes and skin before going out into wooded areas or areas with high grasses as these are the places ticks are most likely to be found. Additionally, make sure any outdoor pets are on a reputable tick-prevention pill like Bravecto before venturing out. Finally, always do a tick check in the shower once you return from a day in grassy or woody areas.

Trust Stein Tree Service for Skilled Professional Tree Care

Stein Tree is the oldest independently owned tree care company in Delaware. We care about the residents of our community and we are passionate about the health of the plants and trees in our landscapes. For information about how to properly care for your trees, or for tree care services, such as tree removal, trimming and pruning or insect management, contact us today. We offer free consultations.

Summer Tree Care and Maintenance

Summer is here, which calls for ample time to be spent outdoors with family and friends. Yet although the sunshine and the warmth offer a great environment for your next backyard bash, the sticky weather can dry out your trees. Proper summer tree care and maintenance can both increase your curb appeal and keep your property safe and flourishing. Professional tree care company Stein Tree Service offers some tips that will ensure your trees remain healthy throughout the summer:

Annual Inspections

Though an annual tree inspection can be conducted at any point throughout the year, the start of summer is an ideal time to request an inspection, especially for those who have never done so before. As the end of spring marks the beginning of summer storms, a professional tree care company can spot structural weaknesses and suggest preventive measures to reduce vulnerability before inclement weather can cause further damage. In addition, a professional tree care company can find and treat pests, such as emerald ash borer, before they cause irreversible damage and kill your trees. Annual inspections will help you keep your trees well-maintained and promote safety for you and your neighbors.

Regular Trimming, Pruning, and Water Maintenance

Whereas inspections are may only be necessary once a year, scheduled trimming and pruning are recommended on a regular basis. Pruning trees to remove weak limbs results in stronger, more wind-resistant trees, while often increasing tree longevity. Sometimes pruning can even be used to enhance flowering! Just as pruning is beneficial for your trees, water maintenance is also vital to providing the appropriate nutrients and care for tree development. In our temperate climate, often only an additional inch of water on our soil each week is necessary: too much water can drown the roots!

Monitor for Diseases and Insects

Storms often invite pest activity to thrive in trees and many, such as EAB or spotted lantern-fly, cause major damage. A professional tree company can monitor insect invasion and contain the spread of infectious diseases throughout your trees and surrounding property. Consult a tree care company today to stop problems before they escalate.

Evaluate the Entire Landscape

Trees that are growing over your fence into your neighbor’s yard or into your power lines may need to be trimmed back or removed for safety or to stay within HOA guidelines. A licensed and insured tree care company can safely handle such tasks, especially desirable when large trees are involved.

Stein Tree Service is the Oldest Independently Owned Tree Care Company in Delaware

The health and safety of your landscape and its inhabitants is something you need experienced and skilled care to ensure. Consulting with a professional tree care company drastically reduces the likelihood of future damage, and helps keep your property looking its best. Contact Stein Tree for more information about summer tree care or for a free consultation today!

Does a Tree Die When Struck by Lightning?

As many trees are the tallest structures in a landscape, they naturally become targets for lightning to strike. While not all trees are equally susceptible to lightning, vulnerable trees are everywhere— they populate our yards and line our streets. Lightning poses risks to the trees, as well as to surrounding property and buildings. Stein offers a look at some preventive measures and post-damage assessments which can be conducted to care for your trees and ensure the safety of the community.

3 Tips for Homeowners Worried About Trees Being Struck by Lightning

So, does a tree die when struck by lightning? Sometimes, but if the damage is minimal or only occurs to a small portion of the tree, saving the tree could be possible with the right care. Stein offers tips on prevention and care of trees that have already been struck by lightning.

Professional Inspection

Even before a lightning strike occurs, you may want to consider a consultation with a professional tree service company. Depending on how vulnerable your trees are to lightning, a professional may suggest a lightning protection system, which reduces the risk of damage from a strike. As lightning poses risks to nearby buildings as well as individual trees, these lightning protection systems minimize the risk of a side-flash to adjacent structures. A tree care specialist from Stein Tree can inspect your tree to determine whether or not one of these systems should be implemented.

Pruning and Water Maintenance

tree care - lightning damaged-tree-Stein Tree Service

For less dire situations, a professional may simply suggest water management and other forms of maintenance to monitor your trees. While water levels can be adjusted at any time according to rainfall, pruning may be recommended only after waiting post-lighting strike to see whether the tree can recover from the stress. If the tree is healthy enough and removal unnecessary, a professional may suggest pruning out damaged wood and branches. Both pruning and additional watering are critical to supply needed care to your trees.

Tree Removal

In situations where a tree is irreversibly damaged and posing an imminent risk to surrounding structures, tree removal is actually necessary. In situations such as these, you will want a professional to safely remove the structurally degraded tree. Consulting with a professional tree care company before inclement weather strikes vastly reduces the future possibility of tree removal, as problems can be spotted and systems can be implemented beforehand.

Stein Tree Offers Tree Inspection for Vulnerable Trees

Lightning damage is better prevented than repaired. A professional tree care company can employ various tree risk assessors to determine what your trees need. Don’t wait for a  tree to be struck by lightning which will compromise your tree’s functional and structural stability— contact Stein Tree for a free consultation today!