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Summer Tree Care and Maintenance

By Stein Tree
Posted on June 22, 2018

Summer is here, which calls for ample time to be spent outdoors with family and friends. Yet although the sunshine and the warmth offer a great environment for your next backyard bash, the sticky weather can dry out your trees. Proper summer tree care and maintenance can both increase your curb appeal and keep your property safe and flourishing. Professional tree care company Stein Tree Service offers some tips that will ensure your trees remain healthy throughout the summer:

Annual Inspections

Though an annual tree inspection can be conducted at any point throughout the year, the start of summer is an ideal time to request an inspection, especially for those who have never done so before. As the end of spring marks the beginning of summer storms, a professional tree care company can spot structural weaknesses and suggest preventive measures to reduce vulnerability before inclement weather can cause further damage. In addition, a professional tree care company can find and treat pests, such as emerald ash borer, before they cause irreversible damage and kill your trees. Annual inspections will help you keep your trees well-maintained and promote safety for you and your neighbors.

Regular Trimming, Pruning, and Water Maintenance

Whereas inspections are may only be necessary once a year, scheduled trimming and pruning are recommended on a regular basis. Pruning trees to remove weak limbs results in stronger, more wind-resistant trees, while often increasing tree longevity. Sometimes pruning can even be used to enhance flowering! Just as pruning is beneficial for your trees, water maintenance is also vital to providing the appropriate nutrients and care for tree development. In our temperate climate, often only an additional inch of water on our soil each week is necessary: too much water can drown the roots!

Monitor for Diseases and Insects

Storms often invite pest activity to thrive in trees and many, such as EAB or spotted lantern-fly, cause major damage. A professional tree company can monitor insect invasion and contain the spread of infectious diseases throughout your trees and surrounding property. Consult a tree care company today to stop problems before they escalate.

Evaluate the Entire Landscape

Trees that are growing over your fence into your neighbor’s yard or into your power lines may need to be trimmed back or removed for safety or to stay within HOA guidelines. A licensed and insured tree care company can safely handle such tasks, especially desirable when large trees are involved.

Stein Tree Service is the Oldest Independently Owned Tree Care Company in Delaware

The health and safety of your landscape and its inhabitants is something you need experienced and skilled care to ensure. Consulting with a professional tree care company drastically reduces the likelihood of future damage, and helps keep your property looking its best. Contact Stein Tree for more information about summer tree care or for a free consultation today!




Serving DE, PA and MD


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Stein Tree Earns Permit to Work in Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas
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Emerald Ash Borer Inspection
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