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Why Is Right of Way Clearing Important?

As tree care professionals, one big aspect of our job is tree removal, and one of the tree removal services we provide frequently is municipal or commercial right of way clearing. Some might think that right of way clearing only refers to keeping roadway borders maintained, but many other types are actually more common.

What is Right of Way Clearing?

Right-of-way clearing involves removing unwanted trees and brush that overgrow their set boundaries. This boundary could be horizontal, including trimming and pruning overgrown trees to clear a walk, roadway, or access point. Or the boundary could be vertical, such as when trees grow up into power lines or structures.

What are the Different Types of Clearing?

Stein has provided right-of-way clearing for businesses, municipalities, school systems, and residents. Some common requests are:


Both public and private roads necessitate a cleared space on either side for safety. A clear right of way encourages drivers to pull their cars entirely off the road when needed, creating a safer distance between them and passing vehicles. Moreover, a cleared area acts as a buffer in case of a falling tree, and a professional tree care company can identify potential hazards before they threaten passing cars and people.

Bike Paths and Walking Trails

Many cities and townships provide bike paths and walking trails for the benefit of their residents, and when they do, they have a responsibility to be sure that the areas are safe for passage. Clearing includes removing brush and keeping trees trimmed back from the path.

Pipelines and Utilities

Whether installing new pipelines and utility lines or maintaining them, the areas around these features must be clear to allow necessary access. When repairs are urgent, technicians have no time to waste waiting for someone to clear a path.

Cable & Fiber Optics

When businesses or municipalities need to lay and bury new cables, the surrounding areas must be clear of trees that could impede the path. If right-of-way clearing is neglected, tree roots can grow into the area and damage cables.


Right of way clearing helps prevent delays or even accidents around railroad tracks and crossings. In addition to keeping brush away from the tracks, trees must be trimmed so that their branches are prevented from striking the cars passing by.


Fences in neighborhood common areas, along roadways, and around parks or residences benefit aesthetically from keeping the surrounding areas clear. In addition, keeping trees clear of the area helps prevent them from falling on or damaging the fences. This type of breach prevention is even more critical in rural areas, where animals might be penned.

Surveys or Construction

One of the most common needs for right-of-way clearing is when new construction is planned. Surveyors can more easily manage cleared land, and of course, before any building can begin, the area has to be cleared of brush and trees.

Why Is Right of Way Clearing Important?

Many businesses depend on nearby infrastructure, such as power lines or pipelines, to keep their company and staff productive. Maintaining the integrity of this infrastructure is crucial. Arborists provide right-of-way clearing maintenance to ensure the infrastructure businesses and residents rely on is accessible and safe from potential tree damage. Here are four reasons why right-of-way clearing is a vital service.

1. Prevent Infrastructure Damage & Maintain Safety

One of the most important reasons for right-of-way clearing is to keep the surrounding people and infrastructure safe. Some examples of scenarios where a tree is interfering with property and making the area unsafe include:

  • Branches that are too close to power lines
  • Weak trees near the sides of roads
  • Uncontrolled roots near an underground pipeline

In all these instances, a weakened tree can cause significant damage to people or property due to branches falling onto and cutting power lines or trees toppling over.

right of way clearing project - Stein Tree

Take a Look at Our Other Commercial Tree Services

Types of Damage Right of Way Clearing Prevents

Some of the types of damage that trees too close to power lines can cause include the following:

Power outages. When a tree branch hits a power line, a short circuit can result and lead to a power outage. This can be a significant inconvenience for businesses and residents. A blackout can also be dangerous if people rely on electricity for life-support equipment.

Fires. A fire can start if a tree branch touches a power line and arcs. This is a serious hazard, as power lines carry high-voltage electricity that can cause fires to spread quickly.

Electric shock. Trees growing near power lines pose an electrical hazard to anyone in contact with them at ground level. Given the right conditions, even if the trees and power lines are not touching, electricity can arc from the power line to nearby trees. This situation is hazardous and can be fatal to anyone near the tree, such as the workers responsible for maintaining the power lines.

Property damage. If a tree falls on a power line, the debris can cause costly damage to homes, businesses, and vehicles.

In addition to these direct hazards, trees that interfere with power lines can create indirect risks in an otherwise reliable power system. For example, if a power outage occurs due to a tree, traffic signals or streetlights may stop working, leading to traffic accidents.

Keeping Animals Away from Infrastructure

Another issue is that overgrown vegetation areas attract snakes, rodents, and larger animals like deer. Near a roadway, these animals can be hazards to drivers. For businesses that receive a lot of foot traffic, animals can carry unwanted diseases or insects that can put clients, family members, or pets at risk. Taking preventive measures by clearing these areas of unwanted or unsafe vegetation can significantly reduce the risk of injury or damage to people and property.

2. Improved Accessibility

Right-of-way clearing helps protect infrastructure from obstacles that may interfere with or obstruct travel. For example, hikers along a walking trail must carefully navigate an area where tree branches are low and close to eye level. Another example would be trees blocking work crews and vehicles from getting to their pipelines or utilities. By clearing these critical areas of overgrown trees and branches, people can easily, safely, and quickly move to their destination, which is especially vital in commercial or industrial areas.

3. Aesthetic Visibility

Land clearing improves a property’s aesthetics and visibility. Customers find properties with much vegetation appealing. Still, brush and trees that grow in the wrong areas or appear poorly maintained can detract from the impression. Selectively clearing out weeds, brush, and trees creates more usable space for workers, making the space more appealing and welcoming to potential customers.

4. Practical Visibility

Clearing out select plants and trees makes patrolling, inspecting, and monitoring those areas or infrastructure components easier. Think of how difficult it would be to inspect power lines with many branches and leaves obscuring them. Keeping these areas clear is necessary for workers to do their jobs properly, and by taking a proactive approach, you are keeping your business productive and reducing the likelihood of potential issues.

right of way clearing project in snow - Stein Tree

Contact Stein Tree for Right of Way Clearing

If you want to keep your commercial property healthy and safe for visitors and employees, contact Stein Tree Service. Our ISA-certified arborists have hundreds of years of combined experience and knowledge of up-to-date safety standards and regulations. Stein has provided businesses and municipalities with right of way and maintenance services in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. We work to ensure your trees are healthy and beautiful and maintain your business’s safety. Contact us today for more information on right of way clearing or our other services.

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Featured Programs

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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Stein Answers Frequently Asked Tree Removal Questions

Trees are beautiful, provide shade, clean the air, and provide homes for all types of wildlife. In addition, trees can have a high sentimental value to us, having been a fixture in our great-grandparents’ homes or planted to commemorate a special event. In these types of cases, no one wants to consider tree removal. However, sometimes hiring a tree removal company is necessary to prevent damage to your property and for residents’ safety. To help homeowners by providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your trees, Stein answers some of our frequently asked tree removal questions.

Do I Have to Get Rid of My Tree?

Sometimes, you pass a yard and see wide-trunked and towering beauties in a yard that rise a hundred feet over a home or other structure. Though these trees are impressive, are they safe? A certified arborist or other tree care specialist can determine whether a tree is at risk for falling even if no blatant signs exist. The specialist will evaluate the visible signs, like dead branches, fungal growth, dieback, or insect infestation. They will perform other tests, like a resistograph test, to determine if the tree is still viable or if cavities create vulnerability.

A resistograph test is a non-destructive method used to assess the internal condition of trees and timber. The process involves drilling a small hole, measuring resistance, interpreting the graph, and analyzing the results to identify decay, cavities, cracks, and healthy wood areas.

Learn More About Tall Trees Near Homes

When is the Best Time for Tree Removal?

One of the frequent tree removal questions we get is when is the ideal time for removing trees. While tree removal can be done all year, late winter and early spring are ideal times for tree removal. One reason is that most trees will have bare branches, which makes it easier for a tree service company to inspect and remove them. That improved visibility is critical if a tree is near other structures, like a house or power lines.

What Will Happen to The Stump?

Homeowners who have to get a tree removed from their yards are often concerned about the stump. Specifically, people are worried about the conditions of their landscape when a tree is removed. Of course, a homeowner can leave the stump in the yard, but many reasons exist for removing them.

Leaving a tree stump in your yard can pose several risks, including creating a tripping hazard, damaging equipment, and allowing root growth. Tree stumps can also attract pests, look unsightly, restrict planting space, and reduce property value. Therefore, removing the stump after tree removal is recommended, especially in a high-traffic area.

Professional tree care companies use different methods to remove the stump. For example, Stein Tree Service uses a stump grinder to grind the tree stump into small chips. After stump grinding, our team can use these chips to fill the hole, or we can haul them away. Either way, we can entirely remove the tree in almost all cases.

stump after tree removal | Frequently asked tree removal questions | Stein Tree Service

Why Do You Need Stump Removal?

Can I Have a Tree Removed if The Space is Small?

Homeowners with small yards or homes close to other homes worry that felling a tree could endanger the property or people nearby. For an inexperienced person, this is a genuine concern. However, a professional should do the job whenever a tree is removed, especially a large one. And in a tight space, having the knowledge and skill to make the precise cuts necessary is even more vital. Stein Tree Service has the equipment and skill to remove trees from any area. In fact, we recently removed one from behind some rowhouses in Wilmington, where the only access was through a small tunnel. We are also insured, so homeowners and specialists have protection if an accident should occur.

Learn About Removing Trees From Confined Spaces

What Are Some Specific Signs That a Tree Is at Risk for Falling?

Determining whether a tree is at risk for falling or poses a potential hazard requires careful observation and assessment. Several signs indicate a tree’s structural integrity is compromised, making it more susceptible to failure.

One such sign is the absence or scarcity of leaves on the tree. An ordinarily leafy tree that suddenly shows little to no foliage could indicate underlying issues with its health or stability. Discolored leaves, especially if they appear wilted or brown, can also mean stress or disease within the tree.

The condition of the bark can provide valuable insights into a tree’s overall health. If you notice large patches of bark falling off or the bark appearing dry, the tree may suffer from environmental stress, fungal diseases, or insect diseases. As a result, you should reach out to a tree specialist for a comprehensive evaluation of your tree’s health.

Can I Just Cut Off the Top?

If trees are planted in a space that is insufficient for their mature size, they may have to be removed to avoid contact with homes or power lines. Homeowners often ask if we can just cut down trees to fit the space. This practice is called tree topping and is very detrimental to the tree.

What Are the Dangers of Tree Topping?

One of the dangers of tree topping is weakening of the tree. When you remove the top portion of a tree, you remove the primary source of nutrients and energy. This can leave the tree vulnerable to disease, insect infestation, and other environmental stresses. In addition, the many open wounds created by tree topping provide entry points for pests and pathogens to enter the tree. A certified arborist or tree care professional can advise homeowners of the best action if a tree has outgrown its space.

Learn More About Tree Topping

topped tree beside a home- Frequently Asked Tree Removal Questions |Stein Tree Service

Stein Tree Service Provides Skilled Tree Removal in Delaware and Pennsylvania

Stein’s and skilled tree care specialists are committed to excellent tree care and answering your tree removal questions. In addition, our company has liability insurance to protect you and your property. If you have questions about your trees and their proper care, we can help. We will evaluate the trees in your landscape and recommend the best solution, which could include tree removal. On the other hand, your tree may only need careful trimming and pruning or other special care. Contact Stein for a free consultation.

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Featured Programs

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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Is Winter Tree Removal in Wilmington DE Possible?

The short answer is yes. Winter is a great time to contact a professional tree care company like Stein Tree Service for tree removal in Wilmington DE. Removal before or during winter is essential to consider for diseased or dead trees, as the last thing homeowners want is a bad winter storm, knocking a problem tree or branches down onto their homes, vehicles, or other property.

Why Winter is the Best Time for Removing Trees in Wilmington

Winterizing trees is about the health of the trees and preventing costly damage. This is because, during this time of year, trees enter into a dormant state. Dormancy in trees is when the tree is alive but not actively growing. During this time, the inner workings of a tree slow down and pause until conditions change to allow for productive growth. As a result, dormant trees are less susceptible to stress and disease.

Removing a diseased or dead tree during winter can also prevent the tree from falling during a winter storm, which can cause costly damage to homes, vehicles, and other property. Of course, such property protection is only one reason tree removal during winter is advisable. Consider other reasons why winter is a great time to call Stein Tree Service for tree removal in Wilmington, DE.

Quiet Season

The winter season is a slow season both for professional arborists and for your own family. During winter’s cold days, your family, neighbors, and other pedestrians will likely limit their time outdoors. Less foot and equipment traffic in yards will mean fewer obstacles, allowing small and large tree removal be done more quickly and with less interruption of daily activities.

Additionally, most trees, shrubs, and other flowering plants require reduced maintenance when entering dormancy. Therefore, professional tree services like ours have reduced responsibilities and can offer more competitive prices for tree removal.

Easier Access and Reduced Property Impact

Many new property owners assume that the frozen ground can make tree removal hard and near impossible, but quite the opposite is true. Frozen soil and grass create the perfect conditions for tree removal in Wilmington DE. Such conditions make bringing heavier equipment onto a property easier, like cranes that may be necessary for older and larger tree removals, i.e., oak species.

The winter season is also an ideal time to remove trees without causing harm to other plants in the area. When we remove a tree, we can, in most cases, also remove the roots from the soil. During the winter season, the frozen ground makes removing the tree and root system easier without causing damage to other plants.

After the tree is removed, the soil and the area around where the tree was located will recover. The roots of the nearby plants will have more room to grow, and the soil will be able to retain more moisture. As a result, when spring arrives, the grass and other plants in the area will enjoy new growth and thrive without being negatively impacted by the tree removal process.

Contact Stein Tree Service to Learn More about Winter Tree Removal in Wilmington DE

Do you have a tree that you are worried about? Contact our skilled arborists and tree care specialists at Stein Tree Service for a free inspection. Our skilled team will professionally assess the situation and help you determine whether winter tree removal in Wilmington DE is necessary.

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Featured Programs

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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Will Insurance Pay for Hazardous Tree Removal in Wilmington, DE?

We all love our trees. From branching maples and red oaks to colorful dogwoods, trees provide myriad benefits and improve the look and feel of a property. However, even the hardiest tree can fall victim to disease and old age, and what once was a beautiful addition to your property may now be a hazardous object. If you have a dead, dying, or dangerously placed tree, you may be wondering about hazardous tree removal in Wilmington, DE, and whether your homeowner’s insurance will pay for the service.

Insurance Guidelines for Tree Removal in Wilmington, DE

As Delaware and Pennsylvania residents and property owners prepare for winter storms, where vulnerable trees could fall, the worry about those trees may be in the forefront of their minds. In general, most homeowners insurance companies are unwilling to pay to have a dead or dying tree removed from a property unless the tree has already fallen and caused damage. Even then, they may only pay for part of the costs.

Why You Should Avoid Waiting

Homeowners should avoid waiting for nature to take its course with hazardous trees. Waiting for dangerous trees to fall on their own may save you some removal costs, but waiting is a dangerous game as a falling tree can seriously injure people and pets or cause massive, expensive damage to property that can take a long time to repair. Injuries due to a lack of tree maintenance are worrisome, as you are likely to become legally liable if a tree injures a neighbor or damages their property.

For example, if a homeowner has a tree with an overhanging branch that has been dead for years, but the homeowner has neglected to remove it despite complaints from neighbors, and that branch falls onto the neighbor’s property or injures them, the homeowner can be held liable.

These liabilities and legal disputes can cost people thousands of dollars, even tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the damage, while the damage itself could have been prevented with proper tree care.

Insurance Guidelines for Tree Removal in Wilmington

Therefore, the best advice for Wilmington and surrounding Delaware residents is to have any suspicious-looking trees properly inspected by a certified arborist as soon as possible. Tree trimming and the removal of dangerous trees are considered by insurance policies to be a part of routine homeowner maintenance. In some cases, our team may be able to trim back or prune away parts of a diseased or overgrown tree to reduce the risk of harm to people or property. In cases where emergency tree removal in Wilmington, DE, is necessary, Stein Tree Service is available 24/7 and responds quickly.

What Constitutes a Hazardous Tree?

A hazardous tree for property owners is one that is likely to fall or shed branches, causing damage to property or people. This can be due to a number of factors, including:

  • Dead or diseased trees: Dead and diseased trees are likelier to fall or shed branches than healthy trees.
  • Trees with structural defects: Trees with structural defects, such as cracks in the trunk or limbs or rot in the roots, are also more likely to fail.
  • Trees that have been damaged by storms or other events: Trees that have been damaged by storms, fires, or other events may be more likely to fall or drop branches.
  • Trees that are leaning or growing too close to buildings, power lines, or other structures: Trees that are leaning or growing too close to buildings, power lines, or other structures pose a hazard and can cause damage.

Here are some specific signs that a tree may be hazardous:

  • Dead or diseased branches
  • Cracks in the trunk or limbs
  • Rot in the roots
  • Leaning trunk
  • Tree growing too close to buildings, power lines, or other structures
  • The tree has been damaged by storms or other events

While these signs are generally what hazardous trees display, each tree and environment is unique. What constitutes a hazard will vary depending on the specific tree and its surroundings. For example, a tree that is healthy and structurally sound may still pose a hazard if that tree is growing too close to a house.

Understanding the Risks of a Hazardous Tree

Understanding the risks associated with hazardous trees is crucial for proper tree care and safety on both public and private property. These risks can arise from factors such as unstable tree limbs, fire damage, storm damage, or even tree death due to disease or old age.

Falling tree limbs can pose a range of potential dangers. First, there is the risk of injury or even death to individuals nearby. A falling tree limb can cause severe trauma and even fatalities if branches land on a person. Additionally, falling tree limbs can cause damage to vehicles, structures, and other personal property, resulting in costly repairs or replacements.

Regarding public safety, falling tree limbs can create hazardous conditions. Tree limbs can obstruct roads and sidewalks, potentially causing accidents for pedestrians and road users. In addition, falling tree limbs can also damage power lines, leading to power outages and posing a significant risk of electrical fires.

For property owners adjacent to trees, there is a constant risk of falling tree limbs. Strong winds and storms can weaken tree branches, making them more prone to falling. This can threaten the safety of persons and their personal property, including structures, vehicles, and outdoor amenities.

Why You Should Avoid Waiting

Homeowners should avoid waiting for nature to take its course with hazardous trees. Waiting for dangerous trees to fall on their own may save you some removal costs, but waiting is a dangerous game as a falling tree can seriously injure people and pets or cause massive, expensive damage to property that can take a long time to repair. Injuries due to a lack of tree maintenance are worrisome, as you are likely to become legally liable if a tree injures a neighbor or damages their property.

For example, if a homeowner has a tree with an overhanging branch that has been dead for years, but the homeowner has neglected to remove it despite complaints from neighbors, and that branch falls onto the neighbor’s property or injures them, the homeowner can be held liable.

These liabilities and legal disputes can cost people thousands of dollars, even tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the damage, while the damage itself could have been prevented with proper tree care.

Contact Stein Tree Service for Emergency Tree Removal in Wilmington, DE

Diseased and dying trees can have catastrophic impacts should they fall on your property. If you are unsure about the health and well-being of any tree on your property, contact us for an inspection by a certified arborist. Our team is skilled in various tree care services, from the mitigation of hazardous trees via bracing or pruning to the complete removal of dead or dying plant life via tree removal and stump grinding. Our hazardous tree removal services could save you thousands in the event of a need for emergency tree removal.

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Featured Programs

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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAB in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Does a Homeowner Need Permission For Tree Removal in Delaware?

If you are considering doing some tree removal on your private property in Delaware, you should first know the rules. We have been servicing the surrounding area for over three decades and have extensive experience in all types of tree maintenance. Before you start with tree removal, you need to know your rights as a homeowner, what exactly you are allowed to do, and whether you need a tree removal permit. As differences exist between private and public property, having the information about permission for tree removal is key.

Who Is Responsible for Tree Removal on Private Property?

The state of Delaware has no regulations about permission for tree removal on private property. However, some regulations apply to specific instances or scenarios. For example, if you are part of a Home Owners Association, you may need approval before planting or removing trees.

Generally if a tree is located on the property line between two homeowners, both neighbors have an equal right to the tree. As a result, both must agree before a tree service company can remove a tree on property lines. Additionally, if a tree is removed in a way that damages a neighbor’s property, the homeowner may be liable for damages.

Who is Responsible for Tree Removal on Public Property?

The state of Delaware has rules and regulations in place regarding permission for tree removal on public property. Delaware promotes tree growth in its urban sector but allows a private residential owner to remove trees when necessary. We can help with some information about the responsibility for and care of public property trees.

Trees on public property and in the public right-of-way are protected. No one may remove, prune, or plant a tree on public property without permission from the city. The most common questions come up regarding street trees, the trees between the sidewalk and the roadway. Sometimes the trees on the other side of the sidewalk are also considered street trees, depending on the width of the right of way. Technically these areas are public property, which the city owns. However, the city of Wilmington has special rules which state that the owner of the adjacent property is responsible for care for the trees in the public area. Below are some common questions that you may have.

What Happens If I Have a Street Tree That Needs to Be Removed?

City street trees are protected by a city ordinance. They can only be removed if they are hazardous and must be replaced.

If the city removes the tree due to a sanctioned city project, the tree must be replaced with two new ones. If you, the property owner, wish to have a contractor remove the tree, you must obtain a permit, which is free, requires a site inspection, and takes approximately two weeks to process. Each tree removed must be replaced with another. The city has a list of approved species, including Red Maple, Washington Hawthorn, and Honey Locust.

Who Can I Call for Tree Removal or Maintenance?

The State of Delaware makes no specific recommendations for contractors, but the city of Wilmington advises that you choose a certified arborist to supervise any work done on trees. These contractors must be certified to work in city limits.

I Need Some Work Done on My Street Trees; Who Can Give Me the Answers?

You may run into issues with your street trees at one time or another. Depending on the particular problem, you may get assistance from the city. You can always contact the Delaware City Tree Committee or The Department of Parks and Recreation, and you will be sent in the right direction.

Species of Trees in Delaware

Some species of trees are endangered, including

  • American chestnut (Castanea dentata)
  • Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)
  • Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)
  • Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
  • Fraser fir (Abies fraseri)
  • Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea)
  • Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)

In addition to endangered and threatened species, some tree species are invasive. Invasive species are non-native plants that can cause harm to the environment by displacing native plants, harming wildlife, or degrading water quality. In Delaware, some of these species include:

  • Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana)
  • Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)
  • Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
  • Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila)
  • Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

Contact Stein Tree Service for Skilled Tree Removal in Delaware and Pennsylvania

Delaware is committed to promoting tree growth, so the state requires proper tree removal, and permission for tree removal, when necessary. Contact us today for a free consultation about tree removal, tree trimming and pruning, emerald ash borer treatment, or other tree care services for your property. Stein Tree Service has decades of experience helping Delaware homeowners care for and maintain trees on their properties.

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Featured Programs

Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Spring Tree Stump Removal and Stump Grinding Aids Summer Safety

Tree stump removal and stump grinding are common requests in the spring and summer months. Whether because of heavy storms or snow (or even dead trees), many Delaware and Pennsylvania residents have experienced trees falling in their yards. Some have had to be removed immediately due to impacts with structures or blocking roads or walkways. However, others may have remained where they fell or been cut up by residents for firewood. Those trees have likely left unattractive hazards behind, namely, unsightly stumps. Now that spring is upon us, many homeowners are considering spending more time in their yards, and spring tree stump removal may be an essential factor.

See Our Tree Removal Services

Why Do I Need Spring Tree Stump Removal?

As mentioned, tree stumps are unattractive, but beyond that, they can cause other issues. For example, tree stump removal can help you avoid the following.

Pest Havens

Tree stumps are ideal places for insects and fungi because stumps act as safe havens for these pests. Some insect species attracted to rotting wood are termites, carpenter ants, beetles, and other wood-boring insects. Having these pests on your property can lead to problems, even more so if these pests branch out and begin infesting other plants or trees, your home, or other nearby structures. In addition, certain fungi that grow on tree stumps can harm your plants, pets, and family by biting, stinging, or carrying and transmitting disease.

Trip Hazards

Tree stumps, and especially tree root systems, also pose tripping hazards. Stumps can hide behind clumps of overgrown grass or weedy areas. Children running around and playing may miss them and fall, leading to injuries. Individuals performing yard work may also miss the stumps and run into

Tree Removal and Tree Stump removal service Newark

them with mowers or other equipment. Depending on the stump’s location, tripping incidents could also subject homeowners to liability cases. Stumps may also have roots that continue to grow underneath your home’s sidewalks or foundation. Roots can even lift a sidewalk, which can be dangerous for bikers or people just walking by.

Irate Neighbors

Tree stumps can cause problems for you and your neighbors unless you have a substantial property. Spring is when many homeowners list their homes for sale, and any reduction in curb appeal can impact them financially. In addition, the pests that may be harboring in your tree stump could also infest your neighbors’ trees or homes.

Obstacles for Mowing & Landscaping

Another reason for spring tree stump removal is that stumps can be large, making mowing your lawn or other landscaping tasks more difficult. For example, if your property has a tree stump and you need to mow your yard, you will have to maneuver around the stump when cutting the grass. In addition, if the roots are prominently above the ground, you risk damaging your lawn mower if you run over them with it.

What Happens to the Stump?

A couple of options exist for disposing of tree stumps. Smaller tree stumps can be dug out, leaving relatively small holes in the landscape. Some tree service companies, including Stein, will remove the debris from the site for the homeowners’ convenience.

Larger trees may require heavy equipment for removal, or tree professionals may recommend stump grinding instead. Professional arborists will grind the stump down to the roots using a stump grinder so that no new growth occurs. In this case, the sawdust is often used to refill the hole so you can landscape over it.

Call Stein Tree Service for Timely and Professional Tree Stump Removal and Stump Grinding

Stein Tree Service has provided excellent tree care and spring tree stump removal services for nearly 40 years. Our arborists and tree care specialists will evaluate your unique situation and recommend the best course of action so that other vegetation remains undisturbed. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding tree stump removal and stump grinding, trimming and pruning, pest infestation, and other tree care services.

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Featured Programs

Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAB in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Advantages of Residential Tree Clearing Around Power Lines and Other Areas

Stein Tree Service performs residential and commercial brush clearing and tree removal in Wilmington, DE, and surrounding areas. You may think that this type of service is only needed by developers when building new residences or other construction projects. However, the practice is beneficial for residences as well: when trees grow too close to your electrical wires or when overgrown tree limbs become unstable, for example. A broken tree branch could easily lead to an accident that costs thousands of dollars in damages. So, tree clearing around power lines when a risk of contact is present is essential for you and others living near you.

3 Advantages of Tree Clearing

For residents and local businesses, some land clearing or tree removal can be for aesthetic or space reasons. Others opt for this type of tree work to maintain their properties and trees. But, of course, perhaps the most significant grounds for removing trees near power lines are safety and accessibility

1. Aesthetics and Space

While a property with many trees is appealing, brush and trees that grow too close together or in the wrong areas can detract from the value. On the other hand, when you clear out weeds, brush, or a large group of trees, you create a more usable property for you and your family that allows you to enjoy nature and a more appealing landscape. In addition, outdoor living spaces, gardens, pools, and spas can be added for a homeowner’s enjoyment when overgrown areas are cleared out.

tree removal or clearing around power lines | Stein Tree Service

2. Maintenance

Even if you leave brushy areas on your property, those areas must be maintained, especially in a community or city. Maintaining trees on your property involves having them trimmed or removed. That level of maintenance requires owning or renting special machines or equipment, like bush hogs, for periodically cutting back the growth.

Regular maintenance and tree clearing around power lines will help keep your power lines in good shape and reduce risk of damage. However, trees that are too close to power lines can cause interruption in electricity service if they touch the lines, so a professional must remove the trees from time to time. Removing nearby trees also helps prevent fires from starting near high-voltage equipment. Weedy areas also tend to spread into other areas typically manicured for family or public foot traffic.

3. Safety and Health

Another primary reason for tree clearing around power lines is safety and health. Tree branches and limbs can fall onto power lines, causing the electric lines to break. Broken electrical service wires will cause outages, costing businesses money and presenting physical danger to people nearby.

In addition, brushy or weedy areas are havens for snakes, rodents, and large animals like deer. These animals can cause driver hazards and carry unwanted diseases to your clients, family members, or pets. Clearing the areas and removing undesirable or unsound trees around your dwelling or business offers a safer environment.

Our Tree Clearing Services

If you have many trees on your property that pose danger to power lines or electrical access areas, or if you just want to clear trees to provide a better landscape with more usable property, hire professionals such as Stein Tree Service who have experience doing this work

Arbor Pro Mini Lift | trim tall trees | Stein Tree Service

safely. Our team has specialized training and equipment to safely trim trees and remove them without damaging power lines or other structures while minimizing injury risks for anyone nearby.

Some tree care companies find residential tree clearing around power lines too dangerous or too small of a job. However, we can help with this critical task. Stein knows how to help residents get power line areas cleared of trees and brush and contact the electric company to get the power turned off. In addition, we can provide tree trimming, pruning, or removal services to prevent these issues from occurring in the future.

Stein Tree is a Trusted Name for Tree Care and Tree Removal in Wilmington, DE

Our staff of tree care experts has hundreds of years of combined experience. We have you covered with our arborists and tree care specialists! In addition, Stein Tree offers many other tree care services, including right-of-way clearing and clearing around power lines. Our emergency tree removal service is available 24/7, and we can respond to most areas within two hours. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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Featured Programs

Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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What is Involved with Tree Removal and Tree Stump Removal?

One of the big requests we get from homeowners this time of year is tree removal and tree stump removal. As residents prepare for winter, they want to ensure that their trees pose no threat to their properties or to people. If trees look dead, are leaning precariously, or are too close to power lines or structures, homeowners should consider the decision to remove the trees. Usually, residents will also choose to remove the stumps simultaneously.

The Tree Removal Process

Part of the challenge of tree removal for a professional tree care service company is safely removing the tree and impacting the surrounding area as little as possible. For example, if the tree is large, a specialist may climb the tree and remove bigger limbs before felling the tree. Occasionally, professionals will use ropes to lower branches or swing them away from objects to avoid damage.

Then the professionals will safely cut down the large tree trunk. If a professional deems a tree too large to cut all at once, they will cut the trunk in sections and carefully lower each one. Both of these tasks have a significant potential for personal injury or property damage, so hiring a professional is highly recommended. Once the tree is cut and down, all that is left is an unsightly large stump.

Why Should I Remove a Tree Stump?

If you want to remove a tree from your property, you should consider tree removal and tree stump removal. Several good reasons exist for removing tree stumps, the most understandable one being to improve the appearance of your landscape.

Stumps Present Tripping Hazards

Tree stumps in the ground present tripping hazards for pedestrians, especially in areas where people travel often, or children tend to play. In addition, grass and weeds grow around and obscure the stump, increasing the chances of someone tripping over it. Finally, the stump’s presence can cause problems when mowing, as visibility is affected by high grass. Lawnmowers can get damaged by driving over a stump or the exposed root system.

Tree stump with chippings on top | Tree Removal and Tree Stump Removal | Stein Tree Service

Decay and Insects

Dead trees tend to decay, which can cause fungal growth. As a result, the combination of fungus and wood can attract unwelcome pests like termites or carpenter ants. These types of insects can be destructive if they get into your home or other structures on your property. In addition, a decayed tree stump is unsightly.

Unappealing Regrowth

Sometimes a stump can begin sprouting. Growths from the stump are unsightly and can also lead to new tree sprouts establishing in the area. These new tree sprouts are inconvenient to remove, so leaving a stump can lead to more hassle for you in the future.

How is Tree Stump Removal Performed?

Some tree removal companies will dig the stump out, but others, like Stein, use stump grinding. The stump removal process involves a grinding tool to grind the stump and tree roots into small, mulch-sized wood chips. These pieces can help fill in the hole in the ground level when the stump is removed. In nearly every case, we can remove the entire stump. However, if any root pieces remain, they are typically 6-10 inches deep below the surface. Therefore, the remaining stump pieces will usually decay with no further issues.

Hire Stein Tree Service for Tree Removal and Tree Stump Removal or Grinding

Stein Tree Service has over 35 years of experience. Our arborists are committed to excellent tree care and to causing as little impact to other plants and trees as possible. Our stump grinding machine, for example, has turf-friendly tracks and can fit through a 3 foot-wide gate. The size of the machinery and these special tracks allow us to avoid traumatizing or compacting the area around the tree stump.

We are experienced, fully insured, and licensed. So you can feel confident that you are receiving tree removal and tree stump removal services from highly qualified professionals while being protected in the case of an accident on your property. Whether you need tree removal, tree stump removal, trimming, or another tree care service, contact us today for a free consultation or to learn more.

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Featured Programs

Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Tree Trimming and Pruning or Tree Removal Can Be Hazardous

Many homeowners have experience with shrub or tree trimming and pruning. Some even have experience with a chainsaw. However, tree care can be dangerous, even for professionals, which is why we recommend hiring well-trained, licensed, and insured professionals to perform hazardous tree care tasks.

According to the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), which relies on media reports for this information, 118 tree care-related incidents occurred in 2020. Forty-eight of these were fatal. Most of these injuries were caused by falls, being struck, or contact with electrical wires or current. These are tragic accidents, and if they occur even among trained professionals, they can occur among untrained residents.

Stein Tree Service ensures that our tree care professionals are trained in the proper safety procedures so that no accidents occur. We enforce those safety practices, which is why you will always see our professionals wearing hard hats for protection. We take safety seriously, both our staff’s and yours. If an accident should occur, we are fully licensed and insured for the protection of our staff and clients. An unlicensed tree care worker who is injured on your property could be a financial liability for you if they are uninsured.

What Kinds of Tree Care Should Be Performed By a Professional Tree Care Specialist?

Anything that involves potentially falling limbs or any kind of climbing is best left to professionals. Below is a list of three hazardous activities that Stein provides for residential and commercial clients.

Shrub and Tree Trimming and Pruning

Professionals are recommended for these tasks for two main reasons.

Lift truck with tall tree | tree trimming and pruning | Stein Tree Service

1. Safety and Convenience

A tree care professional has (and is experienced in using) all the proper equipment for tree trimming and pruning, both mechanized and otherwise. Ladders and even lift trucks are sometimes needed for tree trimming, depending on the size. Trained professionals will know how to handle trees that are near electrical lines or overhanging your home to avoid personal or property damage. Tree care professionals will also be practiced in climbing trees in a way that will prevent damage to them.

2. Knowledge

Arborists and other tree care professionals know how to trim a tree or shrub for its health. If you want a particular shape or the tree needs to fit into a limited area, we can accommodate, but we will do so in a way that will enable the tree to continue to thrive. We also know how to avoid over-pruning, and if heavy tree pruning is necessary, we can make recommendations for a long-term plan to achieve the desired final result.

When a trained, certified arborist performs tree trimming and pruning, he/she may be able to identify problem areas in the tree, such as diseased, insect-infested, or weakened areas (such as tree branches) that may be treatable or may require tree removal to maintain safety and minimize safety hazards.

Tree Inspection

Homeowners should inspect their trees regularly for changes, but with the emerald ash borer and spotted lantern-fly threats in our area, having a professional inspect your trees is a good idea. An insect infestation can cause irreparable damage to the trees in your landscape before you realize that anything is happening.

Inspections can also catch weakened or broken branches that are at risk of falling onto your home or onto a family member, neighbor, or passing pedestrian. Being proactive with regular inspections, tree trimming, and removing dead branches can provide a measure of safety from liability in some cases.

Tree Removal

Tree removal is one of the most dangerous tree care activities, especially if the tree is large. Trained tree care professionals will know how to fell the tree without damaging your property. Also, if heavy equipment is required, they will help ensure that surrounding trees and plant life remain unharmed by soil compaction.

Stein Tree Service’s Trained Professionals Will Safely Care for Your Trees

We all love our trees and want the best care for them. For family and property safety, homeowners should call Stein for regular and hazardous tree care activities. We offer residential and commercial shrub and tree trimming and pruning services, tree removal, inspections, insect treatment (including emerald ash borer and spotted lanternfly) in Delaware, and Pennsylvania. For a free consultation, contact Stein today!

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Featured Programs

Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Areas

Stein has a permit to work in spotted lanternfly quarantine areas in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Tree Service Companies have to be trained in proper moving and disposal of materials to avoid spread of the spotted lanternfly and Stein has completed the training courses.

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Inspect for Emerald Ash Borer infestation - Stein Tree Service - 1000

Emerald Ash Borer Inspection

In the spring, destructive ash borer (EAB) adult beetles begin to emerge.  These invasive pests can destroy your ash trees.  Our specialists are certified to treat for EAP in Pennsylvania and Delaware.  For A free consultation, contact us today.

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Recycling Christmas Trees in Delaware

live decorated christmas tree outdoors - Stein Tree Service

Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has encouraged all residents to recycle their Christmas trees rather than throwing them away. Yard waste (branches, trees (including Christmas trees), grass) was banned for disposal from all Delaware landfills as of 2007, in an attempt to get more residents to recycle their yard waste. Residents recycling Christmas trees is one of the results.

Why You Should Recycle Christmas Trees

One reason for recycling Christmas trees is due to the above-mentioned yard waste ban in landfills, but recycling your yard waste comes with other benefits, as well. Yard waste takes up valuable and limited space in landfills, which can cause these landfills to be overcrowded and stress their effectiveness. Also, yard waste in landfills produces methane gas during decomposition, contributing to air pollution. These issues can be avoided by recycling yard waste instead, and you can benefit from recycling your Christmas tree.

See Our Tree Removal Services

The Benefits of Recycling Your Christmas Trees & Yard Waste

You and your landscape can continue to get the value of your old Christmas tree or yard waste after the holidays. For example, an old Christmas tree can be ground and used on your property to help the soil retain water. Another option is to compost your yard waste, turning the plant material into a non-chemical fertilizer to improve your tree and plants health. Recycling Christmas trees provides the benefit of preserving Delaware’s environment while also enhancing your own property’s health and value.

Other Uses for Recycled Yard Waste

In addition to improving your plant and tree health care, here are a few other uses for your recycled Christmas trees and yard waste.

  • Create firewood for your outdoor firepit or fireplace. Be sure not to transport your firewood to prevent the spread of emerald ash borer, spotted lanternfly, and other invasive species.
  • Use tree pieces in your landscape design, for example, as a plant bed border.
  • Removed trees can be shelters for birds and squirrels or fish feeders in your lake or pond.

How to Recycle Christmas Trees & Yard Waste

While recycling Christmas trees comes with many benefits and uses, some residents can find recycling big, heavy trees to be a hassle. If you are having trees removed, the professional tree care company can take away your yard waste after performing tree care services, or use the ground remains of your tree to re-fill the hole left by the tree. By hiring a tree care company to remove or grind your trees, you save time and hassle.

Contact Stein for Your Tree Care & Removal Services

We hope you find this information about recycling Christmas trees to be timely and helpful. If you need tree removal services or other tree care, contact Stein Tree Service. Stein’s team of certified arborists and tree care specialists are highly experienced and knowledgeable and can take care of your tree removal needs. We have been providing various plant and tree care services to Delaware homeowners and businesses for decades. Our equipment is state-of-the-art and ready for immediate response. For more information on our tree care and removal services, contact us today.